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What are Retinol  and its derivatives ?
Retinol is one of the three forms of vitamin A, along with retinal and retinoic acid. These three ingredients are part of the retinoid family.
Vitamin A was first isolated from the retina, hence its name. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is highly antioxidant. It plays a role in several body functions: it promotes good vision (mainly at night), the growth of bones and teeth, keeps the skin healthy and protects against infections.
Retinol and its derivatives - retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate and retinyl linoleate - are naturally present in the skin.
To find them in our products, they appear in the list of ingredients on the packaging under the names RETINOL, RETINYL PALMITATE, RETINYL ACETATE and RETINYL LINOLEATE.
Where do Retinol  and its derivatives come from ?
Retinol and its derivatives are of synthetic origin to ensure their constant quality and optimise their stability.
Why are they  used ?
Retinol, the reference molecule, is the most prescribed by dermatologists, because of its effectiveness on wrinkles and acne.
What are the  benefits ?
Retinol and its derivatives are used in cosmetic products for their beneficial effects on improving the signs of aging, thanks to their recognised action on wrinkles, complexion uniformity, correction of spots and skin firmness.
They are recognised for their ability to accelerate epidermal cell renewal, stimulate collagen synthesis, and increase skin thickness.
The Facts:
- The application of 0.3% retinol on the forearm of women for one year demonstrated the beneficial effects of smoothing and thickening the skin of this active ingredient. This effect was observed using an imaging technique (two-photon microscopy) coupled with image processing using an algorithm developed in collaboration with the Ecole des Mines.
- A scientific study showed that retinol and its derivatives stimulate collagen synthesis in the skin. For more information, see the following article: Voorhees & al. 2007, “Improvement of Naturally Aged Skin With Vitamin A (Retinol)”, Arch. Dermatol. 2007;143 :606-612
- Retinol and its derivatives are known to have a beneficial effect on reducing wrinkles.
How is it  used in our products ?
We use retinol and its derivatives in anti-aging skin care products. To adjust their concentration in these products, we take account of the recommendations of the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) and the US Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), as well as the conditions of use.
Like for all our products, those containing retinol or its derivatives are systematically evaluated by our teams before they are marketed to ensure their safety in the conditions of use.
Retinol is an active ingredient that acts on the renewal of skin cells. It may cause slight irritation. We recommend following the precautions for use mentioned on the packaging, including gradual use, for example every other day during the first week, then every two days in three during the second week, to give the skin time to become accustomed to the action of retinol. As its action makes the skin more sensitive to the sun, we recommend using retinol skincare products in combination with a product containing a sunscreen and limiting exposure to the sun during periods of use.